Friday, March 28, 2008

Hye rim 4th cover of vogue! 5th on the way!

4th cover baby! This is why we are in SLC! Doing it better than any other!

Look for Pulse in the Salt Lake Tribune

We will also be on the front cover of Salt Lake City Tribune, Entertainment Section, as top new CEO opening in SLC with pic’s and all! I will let you all know when!

World WAR 5 in Utah baby!

Stacey Eastman
Pulse Management ~ X Sports mgmt. ~
:760.801.2648 / fax:1.888.727.6569
Los Angeles~Miami~ Chicago ~NYC~SLC

Pulse ABC News in Salt Lake City

Market Station and Elite Model Management

Watch the Channel 4 (ABC) 10:00 PM news tonight Thursday the 27th

Click on the Link ABC NEWS to see the Video

There will be a story on Market Station & Pulse/Elite Model Management.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Steve Aste
Z Partners, LLC
3831 W. Blacksmith Rd
Park City , Utah 84098
Tel 435.655.3048 / Cell 435.714.1363

South Salt Lake development may be ’rising’ too

SOUTH SALT LAKE, Utah (ABC 4 News) - If downtown is rising, well, so is South Salt Lake. A huge development project, named "Market Station" is underway on 2100 South and Main Street.

Perhaps no one knows about image better than the agents at Elite Model Management, an internationally known talent agency that’s making their new home across the street from the planned project. Stacey Eastman, Partner of Elite Model Management says, "In conjunction with the project that’s going on, the development, the growth of this community, we want to be able to place a stronghold and have a presence of our world famous brand within this market." This world famous company is just a glimpse of what this project is expected to attract into South Salt Lake, and our Beehive state. Eastman says, "South Salt Lake’s where it’s at, it’s the future."

Pulse Fox News in Salt Lake City

KSTU Fox 13 appearance

Stacey Eastman of Elite Model Management will be in studio to talk about their latest branch opening in Utah, and who they are looking for.

Utah's Hot Model Search

Hello Stacey,

Thank you for agreeing to come on Fox 13's Good Day Utah on short notice. We'll see you at 8:30 tomorrow, and have you live onset with our anchors, Dan and Kerri, at about 8:45 for about a three minute segment.

We'll have a full screen graphics listing your call for the model search Friday night. And we may pull some pictures etc. from Elite's website, if that's okay.

Thanks again.

Matt Winzenried
KSTU TV Fox 13 News

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grand Opening Salt Lake City May 31st

The Grand Opening of Pulse and Elite in Salt Lake City will now be on May 31st!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yo MOM (Model of the Month) March - Alex Papas

1.What is your name? Alex Pappes
2.Any nicknames? Pappes, Papadakis
3. Where did you grow up? Las Vegas
4. When is your birthday? July 29th
5. What is your favorite color? Cyan
6. Describe your family. Close. We are friends as well as family.
7. Describe your friends. My best friends Andy and Fred I have known since 4th grade. My friends are family.
8. Who makes you laugh more than anyone in the world? Andy, and Ron Burgundy.
9. Who is your hero and why? Of course my father, but family excluded it would be Genki Sudo. He is a fighter, author, actor, musician, and artist. A dynamic personality, and great mind.
10. How would your friends describe you? I'm pretty sure they would say things like "he has a beautiful soul" or "what a wonderful human being that alex pappes is"....great friends.
11. Other people's biggest misconception about me is? They think I don't eat because i'm skinny and I model. Come on now, i'm a garbage disposal.
12. Your greatest fear in life would be? Dying young or without making my father and everyone who has ever known me
13. What do you love about your looks AND personality? I have a gorgeous set of knees, and i'm stubborn as an ox.
14.What do you wish you could change about your looks AND personality? Absolutely nothing.
15.What do you think is your most unusual talent? I have the wonderful talent of wasting a day doing absolutely nothing.
16. Favorite things to do? Watch/play any sports. Watch movies, anime, TV. My life would be perfect if I could just go to the gym in the morning, no-gi class before noon, then basketball/football/soccer game in the afternoon and finish the day off by going to the movies, coming home and watching TV until I go to bed.
17. What is your favorite thing to do that doesn't cost money? Pick up game of some sort.
18. What new activity or interest would you like to make space for in your life? MMA training.
19. Are you usually early, on time or late? Early. I hate being late, and growing up an athlete being on-time to practice meant 20 minutes early.
20. If you had to eat the same food for three days what would it be? Fidel's chicken burrito & cheese enchilada combination.
21. What is your favorite thing to wear? I enjoy wearing nice clothes, suits and the like, but I am usually in a t-shirt and jeans.
22. Who is your favorite designer? I love Mike & Chris jackes and hoodies. I could have a full closet of their stuff.
23. What is your favorite magazine? Grappling
24. What is your favorite movie or TV show? I could list 500 movies but I always say Casablanca is my favorite. The best TV show ever (and it just so happens to be my favorite) is Deadwood, and there is nothing close (besides Rome )
25. What is your favorite music? Depends on my mood. Frank Sinatra is good all the time though.
26. What is your dream vacation and with whom? Tokyo with Andy for a New Years Eve Pride FC show.
27. Who would be your dream date (with whom, doing what, and where)? Keira Knightley, or Audrey Tautou would be a dream date. The what and where isn't important to me, thats the woman's fun.
28. Describe your perfect mate. Mate as in Aussie speak? Or mate like...mating call mate? I'm guessing you meant the latter. The answer is simple, a beautiful girl who doesn't annoy me.
29. What annoys you the most? People who eat loudly and with their mouth open.
30. When you were little, you wanted to be...? A pitcher for the Dodgers.
31. What are you goals now? Act, write, direct films or TV. To make a living in the entertainment industry.
32. Which holiday do you like best? Thanksgiving and 4th of July. Food, and partying.
33. How were you discovered? Sent in some pictures to Stacey, and signed with Pulse after I met with him.
34. How do you feel about the experience? It's awesome. I'm young and getting paid well to travel. There are few jobs that could be better.
35. What have you done? Where have you been? Italian Vogue, Paul Smith/Mike & Chris lookbooks, South Coast Plaza catalog,
and a handful of editorials
36. Any advice for new models? Don't get offended when the girl model doesn't respond when you tell her she's pretty, she's most likely Russian, doesn't speak a word of English, and very hungry.
37. Most embarrassing moment? I don't do embarrassed.
38. What were the reactions of others when you were deciding to get into modeling? "Sweet, hook me up with a model"
39. Does anyone treat you different now that you made it? Girls are definitely more interested the second "I'm a model" comes out of my mouth. Especially when i'm not in LA or NY where everyone is a model.

Yo MOM (Model of the Month) Feburary - Hannah Holman

What is your name? Hannah Holman
Any nicknames? Hann or Hannie
Where did you grow up? Leamington Utah
When is your birthday? March 12
What is your favorite color? Pale green
Describe your family: Good spirited, funny, practical, and accomplished
Describe your friends: Funny and outgoing
Who makes you laugh more than anyone in the world? My friend Shantel
Who is your hero and why? My dad, because whenever I tell someone that I am his daughter they always tell me how much they look up to him. Many people admire my dad and they always have something good to say about him. He has a talent for making people feel loved and apprecitated.
How would your friends describe you? Fun to be with, easy to talk to, and trustworthy.
Other people's biggest misconception about me is? That I am “stuck-up.”
Your greatest fear in life would be? The loss of love and respect from the people I care about, but other than that I laugh in the face of danger!
What do you love about your looks AND personality? I love that I am easy going about almost everything. My favorite features are my eyes and smile.
What do you wish you could change about your looks AND personality? If it was possible I would like to be taller. I don’t get worked up very often, but when I do I tend to get really worked up.
What do you think is your most unusual talent? I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue.
Favorite things to do? Hang out with friends and go camping.
What is your favorite thing to do that doesn't cost money? Ride horses
What new activity or interest would you like to make space for in your life? I would like to learn to play the drums.
Are you usually early, on time or late? Late
If you had to eat the same food for three days what would it be? Squash and orange juice.
What is your favorite thing to wear? a dress and heels
Who is your favorite designer? Prada
What is your favorite magazine? Glamour
What is your favorite movie or TV show? The Office
What is your favorite music? Anything and everything but rap.
What is your dream vacation and with whom? I would want to go to a tropical island with my best friend.
Who would be your dream date (with whom, doing what, and where)? I’m not allowed to go on dates, Stacey disapproves. :-)
Describe your perfect mate. Someone who cares more about me and the relationship than they do themselves. Also good lookin’ :-)
What annoys you the most? Insincere people.
When you were little, you wanted to be...? A stay at home Vet ( in a duplex next to my brother who was also going to be a Vet.)
What are you goals now? To be a Super-Model.
Which holiday do you like best? : Christmas, not because of the presents, but because our family spends a lot of time together.
How were you discovered? I was scouted in a mall.
How do you feel about the experience? So far it has been a great opportunity and the experience has made me a more open minded person.
What have you done? Where have you been? So far I have been to Tokyo , Japan . I stayed there for two months, and during those two months I had a job in Hawaii for a Japanese magazine. So I got two trips in one!
Any advice for new models? Keep your chin up and don’t let anybody get you down or think that you are less than you really are.

From Hannah’s Mom, Margo:
What were the reactions of others when you were deciding to get your son/daughter into modeling?
Most people acted skeptical, others gave anecdotal stories of their own experiences in modeling school. Some said things like, "I can't believe you are letting your daughter go to Japan ." Always the question , "What about School?" My friends were supportive and thought it would be a great opportunity. One of my closest friends said she thinks Hannah will make it big (time will tell).

Does anyone treat you different now that your son/daughter made it?
Yes, most people are interested in Hannah's experience and ask questions about what she does, if she is in any magazines etc. They ask to see her "book" or pictures. Others tell her that they expect to see her on a magazine cover soon.

What has been your overall perception?
I think it has been a good experience for Hannah, how many girls get to turn 16 in Hawaii on a photo -shoot? Besides the modeling work, she had a great cultural immersion, learning to get on the subway and get to her job, presenting herself to potential clients at castings,and negotiating the language barrier. She made friends and keeps in contact with girls(and some boys) from all over the world.
Personal safety was never an issue, she felt safe at all times. The only late night phone call I got as at 3 a.m. (MST), she needed a tutorial on laundry.

What would you like the world to know about your son/daughter outside of being a model?
Hannah is a bright girl, with many talents. If she stopped modeling today she still has many options and opportunities she could pursue.

Any silly moments they've had?
Hannah's first job in Japan was for a dept store called MILK, she though she was doing a milk ad, and who would have thought a farm girl from Utah who personally owns 10 beef heifers would go clear around the world to do a milk ad. She later found out it was not for milk(the beverage).

Advice for other parents?
Realize that this is a commitment for you as well as your child.

Hye Rim Park Vogue Story

She literally is the single most powerful model to have ever come from Korea and we found in Utah ! Yet we booked this back in Korea and now she is the supermodel of super models in her home country!

This is how I change a life daily!